This is a copy I did for Paige's Christmas present of El bano del caballo (The Horse's Bath) by Joaquin Sorolla. The original was about 98" x 80", my copy about 1/4 as big!

Van Gogh's portrait of Patience Escalier for Paige

Van Gogh's "Willows at sunset" copy for Paige

Monet's water lilies for Lee's wedding present. Three panels. Monett’s originals were about 7’ x 40’

Bluebirds in the winter snow! I did this watercolor for the family for Christmas 2021. As a kid, after cars and planes, loved drawing birds. Nature’s full palate of colors in their plumage. Baltimore Orioles, Cedar Waxwings, Wood Ducks, Tanagers, Buntings, all raptors among my favorites.

Watercolors of Cardinals in winter for Christmas presents 2022

Watercolor of Orioles for Christmas presents to family for 2023

Big cats also big favorites! Did this sienna color pencil drawing back in high school. Carol surprised me when she had it and showed it to me last year!!!

Wood carved decoy of a Cinnamon Teal, birthday present for Ben Ames father

Pencil drawing of Lee and Paige (hotshot and birdie!)

Paige requested these pencil drawings

Another Monet copy Promenade near Argenteuil, 1873 (oil on canvas) by Claude Monet

How I do a watercolor…….

The process of making this watercolor starts with finding a good photo of the Orioles in a pose that works with the background of flowers. I draw the Orioles and use a rubber mask over the birds, create a background of flowers in soft washes, remove the mask and paint the two birds. Before I settle on a final photo to upload for the printer, I go edit the photo with the printer to soften edges and create a border for prints, play with the tints which makes the flowers more pink or white, a little more blue in the sky peaking thru the flowers, and intensify a few colors to make the orange of the male Oriole a little brighter and more iridescent as they are when you see them in the wild on a sunny day!